
What is Intent Data?


Recently, I wanted to buy myself a washing machine. I was reading about different features and was comparing different brands online. I checked out social sites for other user reviews. Very soon, I experienced messages popping on my google page, Facebook profile, and other social profiles for washing machine online availability, and best offers. Isn’t it spooky? How does someone know that I was searching for a washing machine?

My online activities were being tracked. Did you have a similar experience?

Then, I learned from a data analyst friend of mine about this. It’s the buyer’s intent that is tracked by marketing intelligence platforms, using the ‘intent data.’

It is mostly the buying intent when we talk about intent data. However, there are other kinds of intent available in the data like selling intent, partnership intent, and M&A intent.  

Mostly, data intelligence companies track IP addresses and cookies to get intent data. But, there is a  better and more legitimate way to do it, in B2B marketing, i.e. hiring trends

What are the top sources of Buying Intent Data?

1. Cookies

2. Conferences and Events

3. Job Hiring

Hiring Trends

Overall, gathering hiring trends should answer questions like:

1. What type of technology prospects are hiring for?

2. Which departments are they hiring for?

3. How many positions do they want to fill-in?

4. Where are the prospects spending their resources?

5. Can you think of more?

At Oceanfrogs, one of the data intelligence that we offer is the hiring trends to our customers. CRM platforms allow their customers to manage their customers effectively. How about integrating intent data intelligence with the CRM services for your customers? 

1. This is going to increase the number of leads for them

2. This will help them target the right accounts early

3. This will expand their overall conversion rates

In the case of CRMs, intent data can help with outbound marketing while increasing outreach through email campaigns. If your customers know the intent and reach out to the right decision-makers of an organization at the right time, then they can convert their leads.

CRM + Intent Data Intelligence = ↑ Leads (for CRM’s Customers)

This way CRMs can gain not only higher customer satisfaction but, also, the trust and loyalty of their customers.

OceanFrogs provides Intent from Hiring data, leadership changes, leadership movement such as promotions, work anniversaries, and press releases. You can call it sales triggers and signals also.