
All-In One Account Intelligence Platform​

Expand and Conquer Your Addressable Market & Focus on Building & Nurturing Business Relationships ​


Identify and remove duplicates. Add any parameters to identify duplicates between systems. Add any parameters to identify duplicates with systems.

Integrate CRMs

Harmonize customer data from different CRMs.

Apply Personality AI on the identified business decision makers.


Measure KPIs such as number of unique records Duplicate records by Name, Address, Telephone, Email Address

Enrich CRM with Account Intelligence

Enrich outdated Customer Records

Update Firmographics Details of Accounts


Measure KPIs such as number of unique records Duplicate records by Name, Address, Telephone, Email Address

Enrich CRM with People Intelligence

Enrich outdated Customer Records Update Email addresses of Decision Makers

Identify Parent - Child Relationships

Understand parent/child relationships between businesses and quickly identify companies that are subsidiaries of larger organizations or have recently merged or been acquired by another business entity.

Bring One Source of Truth

Eliminate data silos and unify the data used by your Marketing, Sales, Operations, Finance, Risk, and Credit teams by establishing a single, accurate,up-to-date source of truth across your entire organization

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Assign Your BDR the right accounts that are spending money on your offerings. Identify Top Accounts in Every Territory.
Understand the pain points of your technology buyers by signals identified by our system and deliver personalized campaigns.
Expand & Conquer Your Addressable Market & Focus on Building & Nurturing Business Relationships.

Learn How Our Customers Drive More Revenue with OceanFrogs

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